sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

Are you good with money or bad with money? Why do you think that is?

I think that I am good with the money, because I like save money, then when I need it I can use my money that I have saving.

Do you sometimes have to borrow money from other people? Are you able to pay them back quickly? Or, do other people sometimes borrow money from you? Do they pay you back quickly?

Yes sometimes I have to borrow money from other people, but I usually borrow to my mom or my old brother, thank God I never had feeling a strong need like to borrow money urgently. When I borrow money to other person, I try to pay him or her back quickly, I don’t like have problems with the people, the money can be a reason to get angry.
I have borrowed money to other people too. I usually borrow money to friends, to my mom, my boyfriend, but I haven’t borrowed them a lot of money, then I don’t care if they pay me back quikly.

Do you like to manage money, or is it something you dread?
I like to manage money, although I prefer to spend the money jajajaja that is funnier.
I don’t dread it, I think the people have that to learn to manage money. The money isn’t something to fear, the problem is we must learn to use money, in the first place are the debts, and in second place are the luxuries.

How do you pay your bills? Online, at the bank, or another way?
usually, I pay my bills with cash, because I don’t have a lot of bills.
In my home, sometimes my mom pay bills online, or in the bank. Depend of kind of bill.

Do you think public schools should teach children how to manage money, or is this the responsibility of parents and family?
I think that public schools, parent and family should teach children how to manage money. When I were in the school, in a subject called civic education, teach us to manage money, each student should manage his or her own salary, and each one had differents responsibilities and differents bills. It was a very good exercises to learn to manage money.

Do you use a bank? Are you happy with it? Why, why not?
I have a credit card, but I don’t use a bank, because I never have time to go to bank.

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009


My Faculty is very nice, the teachers are very accesible and I like the psychology program, but I think that there are many things that can improve such as offer more courses of forensic psychology and clinical psychology, we need that the faculty hires more teachers, and the last thing that I think the faculty should improve is be more tidy with the academic scheduling, because usually we have all the tests in the same date, and this is very stressful.
There is a problem that affects all the Social Sciences Faculty, this is that in our library there are not many books, and this is a severe problem because the students of social sciences Faculty need to read so much and different books every day.


I think the problema is economic, the university is characterized as being of good quality but also for having a bad administration, I find that this is the main problem.
The first is that the people that are working in administration find solutions to economic problems.


Well, but like students the first is to ask the director of Faculty if he can hire more teachers for we have more variety of courses. And ask for that the faculty has a better organization.


The faculty would increase its reputation, and more people would like to join this Faculty. And the second place, the impact of these improvents would be in the studentes too.

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

I like the forensic psichology, so I would like to do my practical in some place related with this area of the psichology, can be some psichologycal center give psichological care to victims of crime, but I would like to do the practical in the court too, because a psichologist can work doing expert’s report to help to explain what things happened in the crime, this job is very intersting and can be a big help to judge in the decision .
I find that do the practical in both places would be amazing, it would be a good opportunity. The problema is that I am not sure still what line of psichology to choose, because I like the therapy, the clinanical psichology, but I like the forensic psichology too. And this is a big problema because both lines are very different, and I must decide between the therapy or the judicial job. Unfortunality I can not to work in both lines.
Really I must decide because the next year I will have that choose the practical, I must finish all the subjects and if I pass them, I may apply for a practical job. Then still I have time for decide, because I am starting with the elective subjects, I need to pass them to I can know that line of psichology is my favorite.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

The things that I like to do in my free time

The first is to travel, I like to travel too much, I don’t mind where anyplace is good. I like to go to differents place can be the beach, the exotic city, a big city, the desert or know other country is better. I like to travel because is intersting know news places, others traditions and cultures, also to travel relaxes me.
I have traveled with my family, whit friends with my boyfriend and his family. I enjoyed all those trips.
The second thing that I like to do when I have time, is dance. I love dance and every time I can I enrolled in a dance course. Of course that I go to dance with my friends.
The other thing is go to the cinema, but if there isn’t money I stayed in house to watch a movie with my boyfriend, I like to watch the chileans movies and the movies calleds “cinearte”. Finally, go to the theater is good too.

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009

The Transantiago


Today I am going to talk about Transantiago. My opinion about the new sistem of transport it isn't very good, because before I usually took the underground, but now I hate it.
The last time that took the underground I almost died, it was so completelly full, inside it was very hot and you couldn't breathe, it was unbearable.
I don't really use the transantiago, because thank God my old brother gave me a car, so when I have to go out I use the car. Then I don't know in what way is it better or worse the transantiago, I only know that before go to the center of Santiago from La Florida it wasn't so awful. I am no sure the difference the time of travel, but before the underground or the bus it wasn't so replete than now.
I think the sistem is more orderly than before, I find that it was a good idea that the Ministry of transportation organized the streets with the exclusive roads, that facilitated to reduce in the traffic jam.
Other good caracteristic the new sistem is that the city looks cleaner than before, because before the streets was covered of buses and they were the different colors and they was dreadfull, really the old sistem it was very bad.
I think that increasing the number the buses the problema could be solved.

martes, 11 de agosto de 2009

During the first semester of 2009 I learned many important things such us the differents lines of psichology, they are occupational psichology, community psichology, clinical psichology, educational psichology and the most intersting for me forensic psichology. I know the fundaments of their. I think that the last semester was very hard and important because later you must choose one line of psichlogy and for this reason you must study every line for in the future you can take a good decision.
I didn’t have many free time the last semester, but when I had a little bit, I got out with my friends. I like to meet with my friends for dinner or go to somebar too. Also in my free time I like to watch movies with my boyfriend or series, because we are fanatics of series, we have watched Lost, In Treatment, Harperst Iland and Prison Break.
I usually am studying, but when my brothers go to my house with their family, I try of finish of study and I play with my nephews and talk with my brothers too. I like to have a time for my family.
Finally, the challenges I had to face were organize myself with the time for study and with others responsabilities such us to work (I was doing class to students of school) and I must help to my mom with the housework.

sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

What your ideal job would be?

I thinking in my ideal job, I would to work in a physiological center, specifically on the forensic line of the psychology, where my job would be see to victims of some kind of crime that need therapeutic help or some legal advise. My job would be help to the person to recover of the traumatic experience. But also, I would have a job in the prison, because many people that live in the prison are subject to inhuman conditions that detrimental the possibilities of rehabilitation.

What qualities and skills you would need to do this job?
I think that the qualities and skills that I would need are perseverance in the study, because you need always are informed about The evidences about crime, therapy in the victims and criminals, and live in prison too. Then the first qualities is to be studious.
Also I would need be understanding and have the skills of keep a empathic therapeutic relationship with the victims and with the criminals.

Why you would be good at this job?
would be good at this job for me, because I am very interested in forensic psychology, is a job relatively new in Chile, and our country has very problems related with the crime, reparation of the victims and rehabilitation of the criminals.

How difficult it would be to find this kind of job?
Would be very difficult find this job, because the prison doesn’t have money for hire psychologists and the victimologists centers have the professionals sufficient.
Also I would need study a post degree for I have this job.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

The experience of writing in a blog is new for me, because I am not very modern and I never had done one. Actually, I don’t like to surf on internet or use things such things as facebook, or fotolog, and blogs. Actually, if this class didn’t require to write in a blog, I had never written in one. Sometimes I enjoy writing in my blog, especially when we started English course, because it was interesting to write in English for the first time, but later it was impossible to enjoy it, because the activities were very difficult (like this one), it also used a lot of my time and the blog ended up turning into a fatigue.
Wherever, if I am sincere, I think that the blog helped me to improve my English, because I felt obliged to develop the ability of thinking in English and being able to write the things that were in my mind and risk me… My opinion about the advantages of blogging in English class, is that you can practice your vocabulary, your knowledge about English Grammar and your creativity, because sometimes is very important to be creative to speak about different topics, especially if you didn’t invent it.
Some disadvantages are that if you don’t like blogs, it will be very difficult to write plentifully and in an easy manner. As well, the fact that the blog is graded is very stressful, and If you never have practiced in your language for your life, it will be more difficult to begin to write in English in your blog. I also don´t think that some assignments are right for our English level, some people like me don´t really manage the language that well to write random staff in a blog so it is sometimes uncomfortable for me to be asking for help to people or looking for words in a dictionary.

sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

Sir Ken and his original proposal

Sir Ken is a creativity expert that make some interesting points in his speech about the way that our school system "nurtures" people creativity. He explain his ideas during the video, emphasizing in the way that art and others ways of expression can help to develope ourselves in a more creative way. He proposes a kind of teaching that contributes to increase the student freedom and self-confidence, to avoid the "framing" of their thoughts and habilities. This change doesn't depends on the teachers or schools, in deed, it depends on the way of teaching. He thinks that most kids have an enormous talent in some area, and this talent is wasted frecuently. He also proposes that to be an inteligent person consist on having original ideas that have some value. For Sir Ken, the principal boost for the next years is the creativity, and the major problem is that this boost needs to be born in the schools, and this certainly is not happening.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

My favourite subject is Forensic Psychology, Carolina Villagra is the teacher.

I like this subject because is a line different of psychological job, It is a good choice into of psychology, because the Clinical psychology is very saturated. Also I always have been interested about things related with the laws and human rights and I find that Forense Psychology is a mix between psychology and Law. I think that is very interesting job with victims or criminals, because for me all the people are victims of some system or social condition.

This semester I have learned a lot about jobs that do a psychologist, for example a psychologist can to work in different areas such as: Organizational, Community, Educational, Forensic and the most known is clinical area.

Particularly, in Forensic Psychology I have learned how a psychologist can help to judicial system in the attention of the victims and in the rehabilitation of criminals.

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

In five years from now I would like to be a good psychologist, I hope to work in some line of forense psychology, even if I could to live outside of Santiago I could accept any job relationed with psychology.

Personally, I would like to married, whit a child, and to hope to have my own house. I think that in five years more I will live in Santiago and I will to be working here.

My ideal future could be:

To go to live to Easter Island, because it is far from of city, is so beautiful, people have a style of live more relaxed than in Santiago and there isn’t pollution. Also the weather is very nice, and I can to go to the beach all the time... and I will can to dance sau sau always. I would like to live with my boyfriend and to make a family. Of course, I will work like psychologist, although Ester island is very relaxed always someone will need psychological help.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

In my opinion, a distinguished person into of psychology is Carl Rogers. He was born on January 8, 1902 in Oak Park, Illinois and he died of heart attack in 1987 to 85 years old. Two years later of his death, he was nominated for a Nobel prize for the peace.

He abandoned his studies of Agriculture, to begin to study Theology and later he changed of career to the program of clinical psychology at Columbia University and received his PhD in 1931.

Carl was founder of the psychology humanistic existential, propounded a kind of therapy called “Person-Centered Approach”, emphasized in the need of empathy in the therapeutic relationship, he expressed that the Empathy is a important element in the communication between therapist and client.

I like Rogers because he had a positive vision about the person that needed psychology help. He didn’t see to person like sick person or pathological, or like a patient, whereas he saw the person like a client because he was active in the therapy.

I think that Rogers is the best because he propounded that the Self tends to the happiness, consequently everyone can be happy if there is a person that can accept to this person unconditionally. Other reason to say that Rogers is the best is because introduced in the psychology, humanist concepts that are necessary to help to the person, for example: unconditional acceptance, love unconditional, the spiritually of the person, empathy, etc. All those concepts are important for that psychologist can understand and help to the person with all her characteristic.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

I'm studying Psychology because I like to study the mind person, I always have been curious about human behavior, and I'm very sensitive to the problems that affect people. Actually, I'm intersting about social reality and how this affect the life of people.
I think so my profession contribute to that the people can to confront to reality from a perspective more adaptative, in fact the profession can help to improve the patients' quality of life. If we can help to person with your psychological problems, we are helping improve her environment. Consequently, if the person and her environment are find, the society is good too.
I want to say that person and society are complentary, and if the person is happy and she can to confront the demands of the enviroment, this person is contributing with her harmony to the society.
I think that a psychology will need to have in the future many knowledge about virtual relationship, because the society will be more technological in the future, and will be fundamental know about Internet and his consequences in the life of the people.
About my favorite subject, this is Forense Psychology, I would like in the future to work in this area. I find is very intersting know the cause of crime, the intreatment to victims and victimizer.

jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

I took the photo the last year in my coutyard, in this picture is my little pet, it name is Cartoncito. This picture for my is very important because I always wanted to have a pet, but my mother never wanted one. In fact was very difficult the stay of Cartoncito in my house, my mom accepted to my dog because my boyfriend gift it to me in my birthday. But with the time the things changed.
I like this picture because my pet was a beatiful puppy and loving. Actually the picture represents all these characteristics. Also I like this picture because Cartoncito doesn't live in my house anymore, as well said the thing changed:
When my puppy grow up, he was having a bad behavior, he ate almost all the flowers the my coutyard and my mom was very angry, because she loved them, and she prefered to keep the courtyard instead of my dog. I had to give to my favorite pet to my brother and this was so sad for me.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

website about psychology

I found two websites than have been so useful for my homework and when i have needed to investigate about some psychology topic. The websites are:


In these websites you can find important information and it is in spanish language.
I found these sites in the web, because when i have looked for some psychology topic in www.google.com this search engine have found these websites. But before a teacher recommended me the website www.scielo.com , but she didn't recommend for looking for paper about pshycology, but with the time i have discovered that is possible to find phychology paper too.
I visit these websites all the times that i need to find information about psychology, but this information must to be latinoamerican papers about some psychology topic.
In these websites there is information of professionals that made investigations in a latinoamerican country or Spain.
I like these websites because you can to know what things are happening in your country or in similar country than your about the person and your psychology, and about the social reality the america latina.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

I'm not very technological, so I'm going to decribe my cell phone.
I got my new cell the last year, my older brother it got me, I don't know that kind the cell phone is, but the cell phone has different functions for example: i can take to picture, i can listening radio, i can record video and use it like diary. The cell phone remember me the things I must to do.

It is very important for me too, because I can communicate with who I want every time i need it is very useful. Also all my family: my mom, my brother and my sisters-in-lo and me have the same plan, and we can talk freely. But is not all perfect, i dont have to my boyfriend in my cellphone plan.
I use every day, the cell phone is a thing very useful because you can to find anypersona that you need, the cell phone is very important for the emergency... when i don't have my cellphone is a disaster, i feel lose in the world. the last year i lost my cell phone and all the people say me: how i can find to you? because never find me in my house and I never arrived a time to different things or places where invited me, for that i felt lost in the world.

I love my cell phone ...jajajajaja....

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009


welcome to my blog!

my name is ana karina zúñiga and i'm a psychology student of third year, i am studing in the university of Chile. Now i am having the pre-intermediate level of english in the university, i like the english, but it is very difficult for me. I want to learn english very well because it is very important for me, there are papers very important about psychology in english, i really hope to learn english. Also i like the music in english, my favourite groups are british and i would like someday to understand the lyrics of the songs.

that's all, bye.