jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

I'm studying Psychology because I like to study the mind person, I always have been curious about human behavior, and I'm very sensitive to the problems that affect people. Actually, I'm intersting about social reality and how this affect the life of people.
I think so my profession contribute to that the people can to confront to reality from a perspective more adaptative, in fact the profession can help to improve the patients' quality of life. If we can help to person with your psychological problems, we are helping improve her environment. Consequently, if the person and her environment are find, the society is good too.
I want to say that person and society are complentary, and if the person is happy and she can to confront the demands of the enviroment, this person is contributing with her harmony to the society.
I think that a psychology will need to have in the future many knowledge about virtual relationship, because the society will be more technological in the future, and will be fundamental know about Internet and his consequences in the life of the people.
About my favorite subject, this is Forense Psychology, I would like in the future to work in this area. I find is very intersting know the cause of crime, the intreatment to victims and victimizer.

1 comentario:

  1. Some suggestions

    -" the mind of the persons "
    -" I have always been .."
    -"I am interested..."
    -" professions ..
    -" to what the people can do to face the.."
    -"if we can help a person with his/her .."
    -"are fine.."
    -"she can face..."
    -" a lot of knowledge.."
    -" fundamental to .."
    -" I find it very interesting to know"
    -"mistreatment to victims.."

