jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

In five years from now I would like to be a good psychologist, I hope to work in some line of forense psychology, even if I could to live outside of Santiago I could accept any job relationed with psychology.

Personally, I would like to married, whit a child, and to hope to have my own house. I think that in five years more I will live in Santiago and I will to be working here.

My ideal future could be:

To go to live to Easter Island, because it is far from of city, is so beautiful, people have a style of live more relaxed than in Santiago and there isn’t pollution. Also the weather is very nice, and I can to go to the beach all the time... and I will can to dance sau sau always. I would like to live with my boyfriend and to make a family. Of course, I will work like psychologist, although Ester island is very relaxed always someone will need psychological help.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

In my opinion, a distinguished person into of psychology is Carl Rogers. He was born on January 8, 1902 in Oak Park, Illinois and he died of heart attack in 1987 to 85 years old. Two years later of his death, he was nominated for a Nobel prize for the peace.

He abandoned his studies of Agriculture, to begin to study Theology and later he changed of career to the program of clinical psychology at Columbia University and received his PhD in 1931.

Carl was founder of the psychology humanistic existential, propounded a kind of therapy called “Person-Centered Approach”, emphasized in the need of empathy in the therapeutic relationship, he expressed that the Empathy is a important element in the communication between therapist and client.

I like Rogers because he had a positive vision about the person that needed psychology help. He didn’t see to person like sick person or pathological, or like a patient, whereas he saw the person like a client because he was active in the therapy.

I think that Rogers is the best because he propounded that the Self tends to the happiness, consequently everyone can be happy if there is a person that can accept to this person unconditionally. Other reason to say that Rogers is the best is because introduced in the psychology, humanist concepts that are necessary to help to the person, for example: unconditional acceptance, love unconditional, the spiritually of the person, empathy, etc. All those concepts are important for that psychologist can understand and help to the person with all her characteristic.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

I'm studying Psychology because I like to study the mind person, I always have been curious about human behavior, and I'm very sensitive to the problems that affect people. Actually, I'm intersting about social reality and how this affect the life of people.
I think so my profession contribute to that the people can to confront to reality from a perspective more adaptative, in fact the profession can help to improve the patients' quality of life. If we can help to person with your psychological problems, we are helping improve her environment. Consequently, if the person and her environment are find, the society is good too.
I want to say that person and society are complentary, and if the person is happy and she can to confront the demands of the enviroment, this person is contributing with her harmony to the society.
I think that a psychology will need to have in the future many knowledge about virtual relationship, because the society will be more technological in the future, and will be fundamental know about Internet and his consequences in the life of the people.
About my favorite subject, this is Forense Psychology, I would like in the future to work in this area. I find is very intersting know the cause of crime, the intreatment to victims and victimizer.