martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

The things that I like to do in my free time

The first is to travel, I like to travel too much, I don’t mind where anyplace is good. I like to go to differents place can be the beach, the exotic city, a big city, the desert or know other country is better. I like to travel because is intersting know news places, others traditions and cultures, also to travel relaxes me.
I have traveled with my family, whit friends with my boyfriend and his family. I enjoyed all those trips.
The second thing that I like to do when I have time, is dance. I love dance and every time I can I enrolled in a dance course. Of course that I go to dance with my friends.
The other thing is go to the cinema, but if there isn’t money I stayed in house to watch a movie with my boyfriend, I like to watch the chileans movies and the movies calleds “cinearte”. Finally, go to the theater is good too.

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009

The Transantiago


Today I am going to talk about Transantiago. My opinion about the new sistem of transport it isn't very good, because before I usually took the underground, but now I hate it.
The last time that took the underground I almost died, it was so completelly full, inside it was very hot and you couldn't breathe, it was unbearable.
I don't really use the transantiago, because thank God my old brother gave me a car, so when I have to go out I use the car. Then I don't know in what way is it better or worse the transantiago, I only know that before go to the center of Santiago from La Florida it wasn't so awful. I am no sure the difference the time of travel, but before the underground or the bus it wasn't so replete than now.
I think the sistem is more orderly than before, I find that it was a good idea that the Ministry of transportation organized the streets with the exclusive roads, that facilitated to reduce in the traffic jam.
Other good caracteristic the new sistem is that the city looks cleaner than before, because before the streets was covered of buses and they were the different colors and they was dreadfull, really the old sistem it was very bad.
I think that increasing the number the buses the problema could be solved.